DSSTs were formerly known as DANTES Exams. They are now available to military and civilian examinees. The Department of Defense may fund exams for active duty and veteran military members. Request score report from DSST. More information about DSST.
College Level Exam Program (CLEP)
To obtain copies of official grade reports, you can contact College Board.
Advanced Placement (AP) Program
The College Board has announced modifications to the AP examinations offered for the 2019-20 academic year only: examinations in the spring of 2020 will be administered as 45-minute online free-response exams to be taken at home, in lieu of the traditional face-to-face format. The University of Nebraska – Lincoln remains committed to granting students academic credit for the AP examinations they have successfully completed, and will continue to accept subject area scores as listed on our website:
To obtain copies of official grade reports, you can contact College Board directly at (888) CALL-4-AP. More AP information.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Course Credit
The results of the IB Program are furnished to UNL at the request of participating students. Subject level scores awarded by the IB during the Spring 2020 session will be accepted as indicated on the Subject Examination Table below. More IB Information.
Beginning Fall 2017, the IB Diploma will no longer be required to earn credit for the Standard Level exams.
Cambridge International Exams
Transcripts demonstrating Cambridge International Exam scores at both the AS and A levels can be furnished to UNL at the request of participating students. . More Cambridge International information.