Course Credit
The Course Equivalency List shows the University of Nebraska–Lincoln equivalent for courses that have been reviewed. Course equivalents have been identified for most Nebraska post-secondary institutions and some international institutions.
You can search by institution and view courses by subject area and course number.
Note, not all courses have been evaluated. Courses not listed as having a course equivalent may still be transferrable and degree applicable. Apply for admission to request a course credit evaluation.
General Education Transfer Credit
ACE is Nebraska's 30-hour general education program comprised of 10 student learning outcomes. Transfer credit may meet ACE (general education) outcomes 1 through 9.
Credit by Exam
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers students several avenues through which to earn college credit by exam. National credit-by-exam programs include the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and the Advanced Placement (AP) Program of the College Entrance Examination Board, International Baccalaureate, DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests, originated by the Department of Defense), and Cambridge International Exams (A-Levels).
Some UNL Departments offer exams for credit or placement in advanced courses. These exams may be taken only by students currently enrolled at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Contact the individual department for details.
Types of Credit by Exam
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln accepts the following types of credit by exam.
Credit by Exam Policies
- Students may take national Exams (AP, IB, CLEP, DSST, or Cambridge) before they are enrolled, but they receive credit only when enrolled at Nebraska.
- Tables indicate specific subject areas accepted, scores required, and the UNL equivalent credit awarded. While every effort is made to keep these tables up-to-date, courses and exams may be added or deleted at any time. Subject areas accepted and scores required are subject to change.
- Students are not eligible to receive credit for exams in which they are enrolled for college credit.
- Students must have official copies of their scores submitted to the Office of Admissions in order for credit to be awarded.
Military Credit
Many UNL students have some connection to the military, whether through direct military experience or by being a military-connected spouse or dependent. We place great value on this service, and demonstrate part of our commitment to the military community through the Husker Salute Pledge, waiving the out-of-state portion of tuition for eligible non-resident first-year and transfer students. In addition, for those with direct military experience documented on a Joint Services Transcript or a transcript from the Community College of the Air Force, up to 15 credit hours may be awarded for this experience if applicable to your program of study (see section Credits Documented on your Joint Services or CCAF Transcript).
Credits for Active Duty
You will be awarded 1 credit of military science for every 3 months of active duty up to a total of 4 credits:
- Submit a DD-214 to add this credit to your record.
- All other military credit will be reviewed by your individual college upon admission.
Three of these military science (MLSC) credits awarded for active duty may be used to fulfill one of your general education (ACE) requirements. If your ACE 8 or ACE 9 are not met by other courses in your major, you may opt to fulfill one of these two general education requirements by writing an essay describing how your experience has helped you meet the objective of the outcome. Consult your academic advisor or Transfer Coordinator Nicolette Brenton for more information.
Credits Documented on your Joint Services or CCAF Transcript
Beginning with the 2024-25 academic year, UNL will evaluate the coursework and occupation experiences documented on your transcript to evaluate their applicability to your program of study. Up to a total of 15 credit hours (including those awarded for active duty) may be awarded. To have this military credit considered, include your military affiliation on your application for admission to UNL and upload your military documentation in Nebraska’s online student portal.
- Army, Coast Guard, Navy and Marine service members, reservists, guard and veterans can obtain the Joint Services Transcript.
- Air Force Active Duty, Guard and Reservists or retired or separated Air Force Members may obtain transcripts from the Community College of the Air Force.
Credit evaluation will consider the recommendations provided on the American Council on Education’s Military Guide, but the specific credits awarded will also be determined by additional factors such as applicability to your program of study or prior evaluation by UNL.
Consult your academic advisor about how credit from the US military will apply to your degree. If you need further assistance to have military courses evaluated for academic credit contact Transfer Coordinator Nicolette Brenton.
Questions About Benefits?
Contact veterans information at 402.472.4130. Review the veterans resources website for more information.